当前位置:我爱卡新闻频道 - 国际资讯 - 国际信用卡巨头美国运通被曝裁员5400人
来源:环球网 小编:朱岳 发布时间:2013/01/14
内容导读: 据美联社消息,在全球综合金融服务享有盛名的美国运通公司1月10日宣布,将主要针对旅游业务裁员5400人。此举目的在于削减成本,同时鉴于其更多客户转向门户网站办理旅游预订等事宜。该公司借此进行业务调整。
International credit card giant American express be exposed to cut 5400 jobs
According to the Associated Press news, in the global integrated financial services, a famous American express company 1 October, announced that it will mainly in tourist business cut 5400 jobs. The objective is to cut costs, and at the same time, in view of its more customers to deal with portal travel booking and other matters. The company business to adjust.
American express, said the job cuts will involve different levels of position, and in many areas worldwide spread, but in the light of the main targets of failed to bring the company direct income position. In addition, this year the new appointment staff Numbers will be partly offset by the number of the job cuts expected this year, the number of employees is 2012 will decline by 4% to 6%, while the company currently has 63500 employees.
"In the imbalance of economic recovery background," American express general manager Kenneth chenault said in a statement. "these adjustment measures will be American express more agile, efficient and effective play."
Reports say, American express for the adjustment measures will cost $287 million (1.8 billion yuan), the company also will pay $212 million in the cardholder's integral expiry date, in addition, there are about 95 million dollars will pay customer submit an expense account and other costs.
American express and forecast, in considering spending after factors, the latest quarter earnings will have a $637 million net profit performance, reduced share 56 cents. Eliminate special projects of the fourth quarter net profit will be $1.2 billion, $$1.09 per share.
American express company was established in 1850, has now become diversified global tourism, financial and network services company, provides a debit card or credit card, traveler's checks, tourism, financial planning, investment products, insurance and international banking services, etc.